A recent NBC Nightly News "Inspiring America" story aired on Monday, February 13, 2017 featuring Petaluma, California, Police Department Code Enforcement Officer Joe Garcia. As seen in the segment, when complaints kept mounting regarding a property owned by a 90 year old WWII veteran, rather than citing the war hero for code violations Officer Garcia became a local hero himself by organizing a group of caring community members to help clean up the property and make repairs as needed. We are … [Read more...]
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Welcome to the New Public Safety Software Group Website
Thank you for visiting our new web site, we're excited to share this with you, our clients and the public at large. The mission of the Public Safety Software Group is to help law enforcement agencies and public safety organizations across the country by offering highly affordable, user friendly and feature rich software programs. Our suite of software products include; ODISS for paid off-duty and special assignment scheduling and client management; TIMS for announcing, scheduling and … [Read more...]